A very intense highly practical 5-Day hands-on course of Canine Manual Therapy with Sabine Hárrer 12-16.06.2019 Poland, Łódź

You are welcome to work on your own dog, otherwise we will be practising on training dogs


The course provide participants with advanced teaching in canine manual therapy and includes elements of canine functional anatomy of joints, diagnostics and treatment using both soft tissue techniques and joint mobilization

Programme of the course

Day 1:

Basics of manual therapy

Important aspects of patient’s examination from the manual therapy specialist point of view

Anatomy and biomechanics of the hip joint

Examination and treatment of the hip joint

The palpation of motion, joint play, provocation of the hip joint

Examination and treatment of the associated muscles (functional massage, deep friction according to Cyriax, longitudinal/transversal stretching)

Differential diagnosis: is it a muscle, joint or nerve?

Anatomy and biomechanics of the stifle joint

Examination and treatment of the stifle joint

Palpation of motion, joint play, provocation of the stifle joint

Examination and treatment oft he associated muscles (functional massage, deep friction to Cyriax, longitudinal/transversal stretching)

Differential diagnosis: muscle, joint, peripheral nerve?

Day 2

Anatomy and biomechanics of lower leg joints (tibiofibular proximal and distal joints)

Examination and treatment of of lower leg joints (tibiofibular proximal and distal joints))

The palpation of motion, joint play, provocation of of lower leg joints (tibiofibular proximal and distal joints)

Examination and treatment oft he associated muscles (functional massage, deep friction to Cyriax, longitudinal/transversal stretching)

Differential diagnosis: muscle, joint, peripheral nerve

Anatomy and biomechanics of the tarsal and digital joints

Examination and treatment of tarsal and digital joints

Palpation of motion, joint play, provocation of tarsal and digital joints

Examination and treatment of the associated muscles (functional massage, deep friction according to Cyriax, longitudinal/transversal stretching)

Differential diagnosis: muscle, joint, peripheral nerve

Day 3

Anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulder joint

Examination and treatment of the shoulder joint

The palpation of motion, joint play, provocation of the shoulder joint

Examination and treatment oft he associated muscles (functional massage, deep friction according to Cyriax, longitudinal/transversal stretching)

Differential diagnosis: muscle, joint, peripheral nerve

Day 4

Anatomy and biomechanics of the elbow

Examination and treatment of the elbow

The palpation of motion, joint play, provocation of the elbow

Examination and treatment of the associated muscles (functional massage, deep friction according to Cyriax, longitudinal/transversal stretching)

Differential diagnosis: muscle, joint, peripheral nerve

Day 5

Anatomy and biomechanics of forearm joints (proximal and distal radioulnar joints)

Examination and treatment of of forearm joints (proximal and distal radioulnar joints)

The palpation of motion, joint play, provocation of of forearm joints (proximal and distal radioulnar joints)

Examination and treatment of the associated muscles (functional massage, deep friction according to Cyriax, longitudinal/transversal stretching)

Differential diagnosis: muscle, joint, peripheral nerve

Anatomy and biomechanics of the carpal and digital joints

Examination and treatment of of the carpal and digital joints

The palpation of motion, joint play, provocation of the carpal digital joints

Examination and treatment of the associated muscles (functional massage, deep friction according to Cyriax, longitudinal/transversal stretching)

Differential diagnosis: muscle, joint, peripheral nerve


After that course, the participant will be able to:

  • differentiate whether the dog has muscle, articular or neural problems,
  • diagnose whether a joint mobility is normal, increased or dicreased,
  • treat joints using manual therapeutic soft tissue techniques and joint mobilization techniques,
  • perform an analgesic treatment,
  • treat the joint capsule, ligaments and associated muscles. 

W związku z wejściem w dniu 25 maja 2018 roku nowych przepisów w zakresie ochrony danych osobowych (RODO), chcemy poinformować Cię o kilku ważnych kwestiach dotyczących bezpieczeństwa przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych. Prosimy abyś zapoznał się z informacją na temat Administratora danych osobowych, celu i zakresu przetwarzania danych oraz poznał swoje uprawnienia. W tym celu przygotowaliśmy dla Ciebie szczegółową informację dotyczącą przetwarzania danych osobowych.
Wszelkie informacje znajdziesz tutaj.
Zachęcamy również do zapoznania się z naszą nową Polityką Prywatności.
W przypadku pytań zapraszamy do kontaktu z naszym Inspektorem Ochrony Danych Osobowych pod adresem iodo@elamed.pl
